Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Photos and cats

A fairly harmless day today!  Bit of sun, bit of breeze, bit of cloud - just an everyday day really.
A strange meeting at the Photo Club last night. Everything went well, fortunately, and Mrs M reminded me at the last minute to take the trophy with me - I won it last year, the first win for a long time. The competition was an open one, but the judge, who recorded his findings, also sent a long piece about himself and his photographic career, which though interesting, was rather long. Because of this it was a while before he began the judging and boy, was that slow! He had a great deal of useful criticism to impart, but also a great deal of other comments which had the room in stitches. One of my images was of an Indian gentleman outside his restaurant - he suggested that his face was rather dark and should be lightened!  Another picture had a row of seabirds in the background of a sea view and he suggested that it would have been better if the birds were standing further apart! We knew what he meant, but we had a jovial time too! A good job we only had 42 images or we should have been there all night!
I had the images for the next competition to sort out this morning and send off to the judge. He will be recording his judging too - we’ll hear it in a fortnight’s time.
Spent some time outside this afternoon. First I went for a walk up to McCaig’s Tower - I was curious to see what had happened as we heard a chainsaw going after the storm the other day. A tree had come down and had been sawn up - a bit of a mess though. Does nobody clear up properly these days! I spotted this ship coming in - SD Moorhen - and she's my Blip today.
As I walked up to the entrance I spotted local cat Misha sitting on a seat. I sat down beside him and he climbed on to my lap - we sat there for a quarter of an hour then I put him on my shoulder and we walked up to the viewing platform where he amused some of the tourists! A lovely cat who spends a lot of his time up there.
Quote of the day: ‘Time spent with cats is never wasted.’ – Sigmund Freud.

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