Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands


These boots are very much an answer to prayer. Being a believer and follower of Jesus, I believe that He answers our prayers. A few days ago, I asked Jesus for a new pair of Doc Martens boots. I've been wearing my pair of Doc Martens, almost daily, for four years now. They're really showing their age and wear now. I'm not sure they'd have survived another winter of daily use. I also didn't want to pay €200 (£166.64, $216.48) for a new pair, as I don't have that type of type of money to spare. So a few days ago, I shot a quick prayer upwards, asking for new boots and thought nothing more about it. Today, there was a clothing exchange for the ladies at church and a friend offered to take Little Man and me there early. As I was looking at the clothes, I approached the shoes table. These Doc Martens were sitting on the table, but I doubted that they were my size, so I looked at the other shoes before checking. They were my size so I took them. I was thrilled.

In other news, it was Little Man's last day at nursery in Oudewater, so we biked there, as normal. My front bike light had packed up overnight, so I had to use my phone, in its holder on my bike handlebar, with the light on. It was a massive risk as the Dutch police would have given me a massive fine if they'd found me without a working bike light. As soon as I'd dropped Little Man off, I went present shopping for Caleb (who's birthday is next week), then went to the bike shop to sort out my bike light. They were amazing and sorted it out whilst on their lunch break.

We then came home, and hung out for a bit before heading to dinner with a couple from my old life group. Their son is a bit younger than Little Man. The boys had a lot of fun playing together.

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