The sun doesn't shine any more!
The sun......Doesn't shine!... Anymore!
Greyclouds....Cover the sky, forever more
And I miss you.
Your smile,your laughing face.
And the twinkles of joy
In your eyes.
Thunder , lightening, and rain during the night, and this sunflower looks very sad, as does the rest of the garden!
Still we do need it!
Brightened up later.
Forecast again for tonight!
Morning, spent baking with the granddaughters. H. and J.
Baked Melting Moments, and orange buns. Both very yummy!
Also went to look at Fridge/freezers, and dish washers.
One we thought was OK wasn't much bigger than what we have, when we measured up.
So many cubic feet of space, means nothing to me!!
So it is back to square one, and look again.
Just want 2/3rds fridge and 1 third freezer. ( and nor spend a fortune!)
Sounds easy!!
Hope you are having a good week!
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