NZ Autumn 2025

By AndrewNZ

The weather changed

A longer Blog than usual!
Time to head home after our road trip and with constant heavy rain all night it was to be quite a different drive.
I chose the east coast route rather than the Lewis Pass which in the end was a good call.
Progress was steady after a coffee stop on the outskirts of Chch the rain continued relentlessly. The sea state was (the Blip) quite different to a few days ago when whale watching and the rain continued! We stopped for lunch at The Store Kekerengu which was a mistake not as good as they used to be pre-Covid. We briefly had a race with a train till I could get far enough in front for a shot, first Extra. 
The rain was relentless and on leaving Canvastown the flooded fields causing concern as part of the road further along is prone to flooding which was the case. A coach in front of us went through quite slowly and stopped after making its way through and we went through without a problem but the Mini that was behind us we never saw again.
After clearing the flood we saw two small trucks which we discovered later were on there way to close the road due to the flood. On reaching Pelorus Bridge a one lane bridge where some of the Hobbit was filmed down on the rocks by the river and with the lack of traffic I was able to stop on it to take the second Extra. The final obstacle was to be Whangamoas Hill as there's the potential for slips on there but all was clear and a five hour drive took eight.

The weather as above!

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