As good as it gets?

God - Jack Nicholson is glorious. Such an expressive face. And that smile...mind blowing.

Corin bought me "As good as it gets" for my birthday in February. Tonight we sat down and watched it. Its a sad reflection of our lives that its the first time we have had a real free evening to do that! (Although we did watch Jet Li's "Warlords" last night which was very good).

Back to Jack though - the film is 12 years old...which is frightening...I remember it coming out - and its always been one of those films that I have wanted to watch, but never got round to. Made me laugh and cry...loved it.

My favourite line had to be when the Receptionist said to Melvin
" How do you write women so well? "
and he responds
"I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability"

All in the delivery.

Anyway, thats me. Busy day - we've had the Army in school today doing team building exercises with the Year 10 of them involved them being tied to long poles in teams of five in the style of table football players, and playing a game of footy.

Did I have my camera?


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