Consider this your thank you note!

As the last three days have gone by, I have genuinely begun to consider our Malaysian guests, Maureen and Hadi, to be a part of our team. Having spent much of Sunday with them, and a few hours in school with them over the past two days, I have reflected on our own culture and had some wonderful conversations about the similarities and differences between our cultures and education systems.

More importantly, both Hadi and Maureen are such wonderful people. They are warm, polite and very funny. Hadi has a wicked sense of humour - bordering on naughtiness, but in such a lovely way - very endearing. After only a few days, it will be such a sadness when they leave us at the end of the week. I know that I won't be alone in hoping that the links between our schools continue, and that personally and professionally, we will continue to stay in contact.

We have had a fantastic evening at Chris and Kathryn's house tonight. We have had home cooked enchiladas, which were delicious, followed by Apple strudel and ice cream, cheese and crackers, and for Hadi and I, a little Espresso (Chris clearly wanted to use his espresso machine - I wasnt going to deny him the chance!). I wonder whether Hadi was a bit bemused by the size of the cup when it was presented to him - maybe he thought us British aren't very generous with our beverages?!

A plot has been hatched with regard to some banter on facebook - colleagues - Thursday morning...I will let you know what's happening, but for all of the times that you have been publicly 'shot down' in jest in briefing, you will have your opportunity very very shortly to even the score.

Much silliness, particularly involving the reclining sofas. Hadi informing Chris that he was staying there for the night. The obligatory visit of the men to the garage (i.e the additional storage facility for boys toys - weights, bikes and other such frippery), lots of chat, laughs and a really good evening.

So, to you both for being such a wonderful host and hostess, thank you very much. I really enjoyed myself. I can be a real miserable git when it comes to going out and being sociable, but you made it so easy to relax and enjoy the evening. Muchos gracias. SI!

Chris - sorry we were late - I was driving like a Sunday driver - slowly slowly - wanted Maureen and Hadi to see what sensible driving was like!!!

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