In store
At work, my team is coming to the end of the current sprint. There's a relentless focus on completing the work we committed to. As a result, the developers are deep in their own work, and I get relatively few questions to answer as we're beyond the scope clarification stage. It was a quiet Monday that allowed me to focus on looking at the next phase and gave me a bit of space to think about some new ideas.
Because the fridge was not fixed, we have relatively little fresh food in the house, so tonight, we walked to Tesco. There are very few occasions when an evening conversation starts with discussing new ways to walk to a supermarket. We found a marginally new route, and after making this new journey, we bought ingredients for a shepherd's pie. When we returned, PY did the cooking. It was delicious.
It's very noticeable in the supermarket that Christmas is coming. There was a tiny section focused on Halloween, but entire sections of the store are already providing festive inspiration. We walked past a neighbour's house, where an illuminated pumpkin, orange fairy lights, and a snowman were on show in their garden. They are the first outdoor decorations I have seen, and I really liked the orange fairy lights; they are very pumpkin-themed. And to think, this time two weeks ago, I was in the blistering sunshine.
Our evening admin activities included trying to find a replacement fridge freezer. It's not as easy as I imagined. To replace the existing one, I need similar dimensions to fit the existing built-in doors. But is my current box a 60:40 or a 70:30? Depending on how I do the maths, I can make it look like either of them, but neither exactly.
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