hard pleasures

By aonon56

Sculptor Vilim Halb

A. wanted to see Roger Waters concert , The Wall so we extended our stay in Split for one more day. B. and I went for lunch at this new place Dvor which was derelict for many, many years. It used to be owned by my grandfather's sister and her husband but they lost it in during Great Depression. Now more than 80 years later someone made very nice restaurant with probably best food in town. This evening we went to Trogir to the opening of VH exhibition Bios and Eros and ending buying two pieces ( artist is standing in front of them ) At the Beginning and Petra. Although most of the association and inspiration of his works are of erotic nature ( he just become a father so its seems that with his art he has been following whole process form the initiation to the end ) they are prudent enough to be hung on the wall :).
Evening was very nice as we went to Trogir by boat and walked through Old Town ( I haven't been here for more than 10 years ) which is probably one of the nicest places in the whole Adriatic

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