Rain at last!

I'm very tired today - we spent over 4 hours last night planning what furniture would go where in our new house, which is quite a difficult task when you're down sizing. We don't want to sell things or throw them out, because we're only renting when we first move, and when we come to buy, we'll be looking for somewhere bigger.

Alan found a website where you draw your rooms to scale and put furniture into the rooms - we were even able to scale the furniture to size. So it was a job worth doing as we now have a good idea what will go where and what needs to go into storage. Hopefully, it'll save a lot of time on the day of the move!

This morning I took Alan to work and then spent a couple of hours running around doing different bits of 'admin' work. It's all a bit more complicated because we're leaving the country so there's lots of things to be done, including a visit to the Police station. I had to arrange to have signs put up in the road so that no-one can park in front of our house and there's room for the removal van and this can only be done with the Police.

The storms never came yesterday but we had rain through the night which cooled everywhere down, and while I was out this morning I saw these lovely yellow flowers with raindrops on their petals and leaves. Fortunately I'd just finished all my errands and was driving home when the rain came again but this time thunder too. We certainly need it, and I'm quite thankful for it today as the rest of my day is to be spent clearing out stuff to throw away, which is difficult in the heat.

We only have one more week and still so much to do, so I'd better get on - hope you're having a good day!

Larger raindrops.

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