The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Sycamores in the lane

I walked over to S's, felt like Groundhog day , but this time he was up, and we chatted for an hour or two, then I walked home to meet GG. We drove down to town and visited a exhibition at the Lansdown gallery, followed by coffee and a wandér round a fèw charity shops in town. Visited the second part of the exhibition at the Sub rooms, then we headed back and I retired because my headache was back again. 

We have managed to get Disney Plus using Tesco clubcard points, so have just watched the first episode of Rivals, best described as a 1980s bonkbuster. Phwoarrr! Steve thought it was quite interesting from  TV point of view.  He worked in the TV industry around that time, so he should know. 

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