
By SparseRunner


This morning I was feeling as if a cold was coming on, but I took Django out for a decent walk, taking in the beech woods along Lowries Den. What is pictured isn't a real bridge - as there's only a small footpath on both sides - but carries the Auchencorth to Glencorse.aqueduct over a small gully and stream. It's a Turf zone called AgentCooper, but I've no idea why!

After finishing Django's walk I relaxed, and after lunch I took paracetamol and had a nap. Mid-afternoon, A and I took Django into Edinburgh to leave him with daughter K for the evening. The idea had been to see "The Outrun" at a cinema, before eating at Six by Nico, but we found out that the FiM was too long! So, we went to a bar with K, and then had a steady walk through the New Town to the restaurant.

I'd describe the food as a budget fine dining tasting menu, corresponding to a Sunday roast with dessert. Not everything was good, but it was decent value. 

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