Drinks to Remember, I, Me and Myself

Apologies Peeps. I changed.

I was stuck for an image tonight, and so I gave you what was before me; but then Boy and S came in and they had been at the Pub.

Both of them are rather tiddly, and I'm surprised they actually managed to take a photo that was in focus, but this was so nice, I'm giving them both the credit. Boy took it, with S's iPhone.

Our Summer hasn't disappeared entirely, as you can see.

I am still cycling, and hoping that it gets easier.... Today I beat my own record, and made it home in 25 minutes. Recovery time was better, but I am realising that the heat and humidity in the air have a lot to do with how quickly I do!

Still i do enjoy my ride, and my encounter with birds, rabbits, butterflies and fellow cyclists, and I am making the hill, very, slowly, but I do get up it in one go :-)

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