
Some of you may have noticed that I am not blipping as often as I used to. Yes, I did make a conscious decision to stop doing it every day, intending to steal some of the time I'd spent here back from myself, to spend on other projects. But it's more than that: I think I am actually starting to lose my sense of direction on this site. Back when I was ploughing through my first year, the goal seemed clear and unambiguous.....then the feted day came and went and I had enough gas left in the tank to keep going for a while.. But now I find myself wondering, just a little bit, what's it all for? I never thought I'd find myself confessing to a crisis of faith in the Way of Blip - but there you go. Maybe it's the heat....
I still haven't even ordered a 365 Book, even though I fantasised about one through all those long months of sitting palely hunched over me iFern...I've been meaning to sord id art ever since June, but I then I think I might as well take the chance to further hone my advanced procrastination skills and leave it for another few days....

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