The only photo.....
.... taken today. Did'nt have my phone with me on my walk, but found this piece of polystyrene on the riverbank when Indie went in for a rinse, so carried it back with me. Could have disposed of it in the litter bin by the bus stop, which is where I normally plonk everything I pick up on my walkabouts, unless I think it's of use, as happened yesterday. There was a sheet of polystyrene/squidgy packaging on the roadside which I thought could be cut for garden kneeler pads or soft pads for walkers to plonk their butts on rather than cold granite rocks. Cutting that up was one of my jobs early this morning. It made 4.
Hubby did'nt go to the exercise/mobility class today. I was going to make pasties this afternoon but decided to make a hearty beef stew instead, with Delia's mushroom dumplings. Not following her recipe exactly. Can't be doing with condensation running down the kitchen windows so it's in the oven cooking. Smells good. Never made mushroom dumpling before so they will be good to sample.
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