
By SomethingAwful


This is not the photo that I was meant to blip for today. Because I chickened out. Which highlights the problem!

Went to MK to see Sam today and had a lovely day. This is his family's rabbit, Freddie. Was too excitable for me to get a decent pic. Also I'm too rubbish a photographer.

Sam and I went for a cycle around the many (reassuring) cycle paths nearby, through parks and past lakes, stopping at a couple of benches and a set of swings. Was wiped out enough by the end of it to justify the traditional carvery at Toby's we had in the afternoon! Stuffed and yet still pecked on dessert and chocolate fingers. Naughty. (Although after that and the squats yesterday my quads are feeling the good kind of sore now. Missed that feeling.)

All of this was, of course, interspersed with watching all the features (plus an alternate episode one) on Sam's new dvd box... Season 2 of Nighty Night!! Obligatory, and thoroughly enjoyed.

On a similar note: I don't know if comedy is getting funnier or if I'm becoming a less scrupulous laugher... either way the instinct seems to be kicking in a lot more these days! Surprising considering the slight rut I seem to have found myself in life-wise. Maybe my body's defences are sensing my mood lowering and trying to intervene and give me a kick up the rear before I think myself under a cloud. Cheers, nature!

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