Another day
Dull again, calm, dry and . . . just another day! I intended to send the Photo Club pictures to the judge this morning - the result of yesterday's effort. Then I found that one of the photographs of the mounted prints was missing, so I had to dig it out of the box and photograph it again. Eventually all was complete and I sent them off via WeTransfer - 39 images.
After lunch I changed into work clothes and spent a couple of hours emptying the leaf mould bin. Most of it had already gone to the Corran Halls bed that I planted up a few weeks ago, but there was still a lot to move before I could wheel last year's leaves into it. Most of it went into the Year Three bulk bag in the garage, the rest into compost bags which I stacked on top. Why do I bother? Not sure really, but I have to do something with the leaves - we have a lot of trees round about us so I might as well make use of them!
As usual when it's beginning to get dark I remember that I haven't taken a Blip - then I also remember that I'd put a potted plant out ready for a picture! So here's a Nerine - I don't know if it's a named variety as it was given to me by a friend years ago. Nice delicate pink though.
Back indoors now and the kettle's on!
Quote of the Day: 'No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees, no fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds - November!' - Thomas Hood.
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