I had a fabulous morning! I took a class on mushrooms at the Hoyt Arboretum. We had an hour or so lecture on mushroom anatomy and various genus and species of mushrooms and then went on an almost two hour walk in the arboretum. Every few steps we found various fungi! The teacher was knowledgeable and engaging and i learned a lot. It’s amazing how many mushrooms are at least non-toxic if not edible. I’m not ready to go foraging yet, but it surely added to my plant knowledge. I’ve got a couple of guide books and will be looking closely during my walks.
Here’s a shot of the arboretum this morning. I got out for a walk before class started. Curious sky, but the leaves are still persisting, at least for now. Rain sets in tomorrow evening.
And yes, that sky is real - I did nothing to enhance it.
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