
By LadyFindhorn

As a Last Resort

Faced with a blank iPad screen at 3pm, I’m at a complete loss as to what to write.
Nothing very momentous happened in my life today on this quiet Wednesday. I managed to stay abed until 8am having been awake since 5:30am, luxuriating in the fact that I wasn’t out walking down the Royal Mile in the dark,although I did miss my Porty dip.

I met up for coffee with a former neighbour and class mate for a catch up blether which put in the morning nicely and then I  sauntered over the Meadows to collect my Statin prescription from the Chemist in Marchmont. The trees have shed their leaves in copious quantities and the ground has been transformed from green to all colours from yellow to russet. There is no wind to sweep them into heaps against the nearest walls and so they lie like a huge multicoloured carpet.

I have photographed one of two vases of birthday flowers from son#1 in Elgin- the only photo from today.

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