Dribs and Drabs of 2014

By RodgerEvans01

Reflections of the past...

Today I escaped my vacation with the family to take care of some overdue paper work - I had a manuscript review that was 2 days overdue...

I went to the University of Guelph, my undergraduate alma mater, and hammered out the review in a few hours. I celebrated by walking around campus with camera in hand.

This is a reflection of the best dance bar in the universe, well at least in the 90's. The "Bullring" was originally built to show bulls. Guelph's history is strongly allied with agriculture. We would line up for hours for the chance to stand around the circular dance floor and quaff $1.65 ales!!! I did say the 90's, right??

The building across from the bull ring used to be a storage barn for agricultural equipment. It was torn down in the early 2000's and replaced with building whose name escapes me. It did however provide a perfect venue for a reflection upon the past in the present.

As an aside, it's a good thing the clock wasn't there when we waited in line, or there likely would have been small drunken riots, particularly on cold, January nights...

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