Dribs and Drabs of 2014

By RodgerEvans01

Images in the mirror may appear stopped...

Friday was the first leg in the 21 hour trek back to Nova Scotia. The goal was to reach Bangor, ME for the night, and so I queried Google Map to find the best route. I have done this drive many times before (I lived in Maine for 18 months), and was a little bored with the northern Vermont/NH/Maine trek along secondary highways. Furthermore, Google Maps and my GPS independently arrived at the same "quickest" route answer.

All was fine until I reached I-495. Five accidents (all fender benders), lots of rubber-neckers, and several toll booths later, my 11:43 trip ended 3 hours late. I was not happy.

My original goal was to show up in Bangor pre-sunset and capture a sunset pic of Stephen King's house. Even if I'd not arrived at 9:30PM, it was never going to happen as it rained from Augusta, ME, right through to Bangor.

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