I can nearly crawl :-)
Eva woke this morning around 5 am for a feed, then went back down til 8.30 from 8.30 pm last night. Hopefully the other night when she woke at 1am til 2 am then I couldn't get back to sleep was a one off.
I dropped Eva off at Daddy's work for an hour this morning again while I went shopping, as his school is closed for the holidays now.
Mike wonders if Eva is waking up a little more as she's ready for solids now, so we're going to start this weekend. We're going to try Baby Led Weaning as I like the thought process behind it having read the book by Gill Rapley and had loads of good comments from friends about it, and have just ordered the Baby Led Weaning Cook Book too, it's all very exciting.
Today's pic shows our gorgeous babba sitting in her new chair (minus the food tray) that came today, all ready for big girl's food at the weekend.
She also kind of crawled today!!
My Dad said she'd done it on Monday, kind of shuffled forward one length of her, but I missed it. I saw it today though. She was on her play mat lying on her back, she rolled over onto her front, stuck her bum in the air, pushed her face into the mat, and kind of launched herself forward with her feet and knees. I can't believe it, she's not even 6 months old quite yet.
Mike gave Eva her bath while I saw to the puddies, then she was fed and asleep in bed by 8.30. I came downstairs and Mike made me cheese on toast for tea, he really does make the best cheese on toast ever xxx
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