Arethusa Figurehead, Lower Upnor

We decided to pop over to Upper Upnor for a drink at The Tudor Rose at lunchtime. Before we ventured inside the pub we took a short walk down the steep cobbled High Street to where it meets a bend of the River Medway. It was there that we came across a lovely black and white cat sitting outside the doors of Upnor Castle. We bent down to stroke it and it didn't run away, in fact it meaowed a few times and then proceeded to follow us around and a couple of times it even rolled on it's back so we could tickle it's belly! When we entered the pub and mentioned the cat the landlady told us it's been called "castle cat" by the villagers (even though they're not sure who owns it) and regularly sits sunning itself outside and is fed by everyone in the neighbourhood. It sounds as if it is living it's best life. It also had half a black "moustache" which made it even more endearing!
We then headed down to Lower Upnor and that's where I took today's image. This figurehead comes from HMS Arethusa which was the last British warship to go to battle under sail and was involved in the bombardment of Odessa and Sebastopol in 1854. It was designed by the ship carving Hellyer family and depicts the water nymph Arethusa who was transformed by the Goddess Artemis into a spring.
The origins of ship figureheads lie in the early days of seafaring and female figureheads (usually in mythological form) gained popularity in the 19th Century. At this point in history women on board ships were thought to be unlucky (I've no idea why) but a naked woman (or in this case partially dressed) figurehead was supposed to be able to calm a storm at sea - which seems to make no sense at all!
The Arethusa figurehead had badly deteriorated by 2010 but the Arethusa Old Boys Association raised sufficient funds to purchase it and then set about getting it restored and preserved. It was installed at it's present location (with its' protective canopy) in 2013.
I only realised I'd included just the letters U, S and A after I'd taken the shot so it seems I still can't get the result of the election out of my head! His knuckle headed and dangerous appointments only make everything feel even worse. Saw the below on someone commenting about it all:

Wait, wait, wait... The party of disaster capitalists, resource and worker exploitation, "small" state (no protections from said capitalists, no clean air/water/soil and no remotely affordable healthcare but more massive military spending and more massive subsidies for the rich through government contracts) fronted by the stupid person's idea of a successful businessman and the unashamedly richest man in the world who used to be the stupid person's idea of a smart person (i.e. "the elite") has won against the party of polite stability capitalists who have (very slowly) tried to turn the tide to benefit the workers (Obamacare, Biden's pro-worker policies, Harris' proposal to rein in excessive inflatory profiteering) that had Beyonce, Taylor Swift and Springsteen (the "elite") because they weren't anti-establishment/progressive/whatever enough?
Of course not, it was voter stupidity and buying an easy populist narrative on the economy ("Don'll fix it") with the fear that they will be poorer because immigrants might be getting their money somehow after GOP blocked anything that could make the border situation better and outright sexism, racism and Christian fundamentalism.
The markets have already ruled on who's won here to the tune of $64billion and, quelle surprise, it's not the poor/blue collar/<insert identity here>.

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