
By Brookeside

Bye bye baby sensory

Today was a sad day. It was our last ever baby sensory class :( But mummy says I shouldn't feel too sad as I'm going to toddler sense in a couple of weeks! Mummy says I will love it. It was nice to have a day with mummy today. After baby sensory I had a nice nap then we met auntie Linda and Daniel for lunch. I didn't want to sit at peace once I had finished lunch so I had to go for a walk around the whole cafe. Lots of people gave me compliments and asked me my name and how old I was. I let mummy answer for me! Then we went to see auntie Lori and uncle Chris and baby Brody for a while. Then it was home for dinner and a Skype call to auntie Nicola. I got to talk to lots of people today! Auntie Nicola got to see me wave hello and goodbye. Say tata, blow kisses and walk a bit too, she's not seen any of that yet! Then mummy gave me a bit more dinner and when she said do you want more chicken I said chicken. Silly mummy didn't believe I would be able to say that so I repeated it and again she didn't think I could say a long word like that so I kept repeating it and finally after the 7th time it sunk in! Think mummy needs her ears cleared ;) then it was bath (where I sat down for a change) and then bed. We are all hoping for a better sleep as mummy has taken my sensor pad away, now I like to move about a lot it was waking us all up bleeping and giving mummy a small heart attack each time!

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