Seem to be starting every blip recently with a " whinge " but thats the way things are at the moment. Slept Ok again but in short bursts getting up for a while in between. After breakfast I had no energy to do anything. Around 3pm I got on and did a few chores.
Then I walked to slimming group. It was cold but very calm ... and it was dry. Not many there tonight. I gained three pounds. I wasn't surprised as I was " off plan" for a few days. Should be able to lose some of that by next week. Got a lift home as usual
Didn't feel too well when I got home. Ached everywhere and felt dizzy. Felt much better after I had eaten something and had a rest.
Watched the England v Greece match this evening. England won 3 - 0.
The Abstract Thursday theme is 'Colourful' I took a shot of the design at the bottom of my Maling fruit bowl ... and did some processing to make it more colourful and abstract. Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting
Steps today - 4,638
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