A Busy Saturday
There’s a certain fascination in looking through windows at dusk when the lights are on and the blinds unpulled. All the rooms looked so cosy and inviting as it got dark this afternoon just as I said goodbye to another Orkney Selkie down visiting friends in Edinburgh. This was not the one with family in Edinburgh but one who studied in Edinburgh back in the day. We had a lovely afternoon blethering about nothing in particular but some times something in particular. It’s always lovely to hear the news of Orkney and my gang of handstanding Selkies.
In the evening I was invited to a birthday dinner to celebrate belatedly daughter#2’ s birthday. It was a chance to chat to my 2 granddaughters and the one grandson present as well as hearing about my daughter’s week in China. It was a lovely dinner and I was walked home by my grandchildren while their parents went on to an Usher Hall concert . Thank you to Adrian and Jane for the invite.
My Saturday has just flown past!
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