Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

The almost full moon was rising when I was heading out. The sky was brighter than this, but due to troubles with removing spots/dust in the sky I had no other choice. My old PS CS5 has difficulties determining the original background beneath the spots/dust, and leaves brighter patches instead. 
Anyway, I quickly took my camera outside for a bunch of shots, handheld, and I think this was the one with tolerable unsharpness. 
Otherwise chores done as usual. Posted the advent calendar for my cousins' children in Germany, hoping it'll reach them in time (you never know...) and had a great laugh via instagram messenger with a friend across the pond. At one time I laugh snorted and when reading her next message tears were spurting out from my eyes and I was laughing so much I couldn't reply for a while. I love these kinds of chatts with friends. :) 

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