Living my dream

By Mima

Bean guarding beans

Honestly! Bean woke with full enthusiasm this morning and hasn't looked back. 

According to her nothing whatsoever untoward happened yesterday. She hasn't taken any notice at all of the four stitches in her shoulder: she isn't limping; the wound isn't swollen; and she has even rolled on her back (and shoulders) on the lawn. With no bad effect.

In an abundance of caution we haven't had a walk today, but I don't expect that caution to be necessary again.

I am utterly delighted that she is so well, so relaxed and happy. It was not how I imagined today would be. What a dog

She helped me pick the first broad beans of the season and she stared so intently at the bucket of pods that some magically leapt out, shed their beans and popped into her mouth. It was a miracle ;-) Apparently broad beans have extraordinary healing powers.

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