Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

I had a taxi ride today…

… though not in that one.
My driver was Guernsey born and bred so we had lots to chatter about. I’m always interested in the different routes people take to get somewhere. This guy took a totally different route than I would ever have dreamed of but it was much quicker than the way I would have gone. Not surprising since we actually ventured out of town. I’m joking but it was before Y2K that I ventured around the whole island regularly. 2000 was when I ventured off to live in the big world of the mainland with my Yorkshire husband.
The driver (I should have asked his name) told me that whoever decides such things decided to scrap “the Knowledge” over here. They already have drivers who know nothing about the island drifting around in circles while the fare goes up and up. I’m glad he told me because I will know (on the rare occasions that I use a taxi) to keep my eye firmly on the route being taken and put them right if they stray. I must honour the memory of my late husband and not allow money to be wasted on a bumbling taxi driver!

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