The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Technology Overload

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Mini Princesses,

Mary Doll went out for dinner last night which proved to be a bit much and she was a bit wiped out today.

So she was spotting things that ‘need’ to be done.

The spotting mainly involved technology. Victor has a new tablet so she suggested the old one should go…except Victor still using it!


So then she decided her laptop had to go…except then they won’t have a laptop.

“Hmph. Well CAN we get rid of my old kindle? I’m practically tripping over all these machines”

I started p1ssing myself! “Yeah, I mistook the living room for a server room when I walked in. It was like being back at work.”

Thankfully she laughed. The old kindle has been traded in and the house is sooooo much tidier!


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