
By samsticks

UK bound

Sue arrived from Auckland into Melbourne last night so that we can all fly back to see Nanny June together.

Once again, Miles knew something was up this morning as we all ran round like crazy people trying to organise 3 weeks away with a day's notice.

We made it to the airport in good time and manage to get seats together with a bassinet for Miles - a mega bonus.

This shot was taken at Check In in Melbourne. Miles is excited. Gina's holding it all together and is looking forward to getting back to the UK and introducing Miles to everyone, with an underlying worry about her Nan, but Sue's distress about her Mum (Gina's Nanny June and Miles' great grandmother) is palpable.

Our lives are filled with so many emotions. I think that this shot captures a few of them.

We're in Bangkok airport now waiting for the next flight on to London. So far Miles has been amazing. We're hoping he'll sleep on the next one cause he's starting to get a bit crabby!

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