The power of 3

So today has been a busy day, I did almost a days work and 3 forms of exercise.

I had a meeting this afternoon at the Royal College of Nursing, based down near Blackford Hill - so I decided to buy a sandwich, go early and sit and have a wee picnic on my lunch break. Blackford Hill was right seemed a pity not to go up it...

So this is the view from about halfway up. I liked the idea of taking something so familiar to me from a different perspective; this time from across the city. In the distance you can see Arthur's Seat and Salisbury Crags, that I so often blip from beneath them in Holyrood Park, or standing on top of one of them! I learned yesterday that it was substantially higher when it was an active volcano - from the top of the Crags, it would have gone as high as the bottom of the central fluffy cloud. This has all eroded over time!

After my meeting I took a bit of TOIL and walked to the Royal Commonwealth Pool to go for a swim. I swam 30 lengths, so that makes 1500m, or just under a mile. As its now school holidays there were loads of kids about so it was a bit frustrating having to overtake and swim round them all!

After walking home I had a wee sit down then headed out for a 5 mile run. I actually ran around the base of Arthur's Seat and the Crags via Duddingston.

I'm now exhausted, in a cool bath, and looking forward to getting a chippie later!

Today's run: 5 miles
July running mileage: 79 miles
2013 running mileage: 627 miles

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