
By gennepher


Nighttime Wildlife
Cat, Midnight asleep on swing is surprised by two Badgers mating in front of him, & he snarls at them.
Same vid on TikTok

Long day. Retinopathy kept us all waiting, and hour and a half beyond appointment times. I was crawling up the wall by this time. Other people were not impressed with the wait. We had to wait in the foyer, and the doors to outside were stuck, they were stuck open and it was blooming freezing...
I have definitely got a chill from this.

It was still snowing when I set off this morning. And the road was  still covered in about two foot of slush puppy drink. 

When I came back home, I managed to back into my driveway safely. But an idiot who was delivering some fast food over the road  tried to do a u-turn so he could leave, and ended up all over the place in this 2 foot of slush puppy. He nearly had a meeting with next door's car. How his car did not touch it, I have no idea.

I came in absolutely shattered went to bed and fell asleep for the next six hours....

My eyes were
 still hurting from the drops they put in. That has never happened before. I got a phial of saline eye wash solution, rinsed both eyes, and that sorted it

Creative - postcard sized paper. Waterspray and inks.

I am ready to go back to sleep.
Sweet dreams.
Take care...

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