Wildlife nighttime video
First snow. Cat Jade on the swing all night.
There were no badgers nor foxes this snowy night.
She does have my garage she can sleep in, or the tiered cat house for strays. She came into my garden in 2020 during Covid & Lockdowns. She does not trust humans. At the end of video she has heard me get up, my bedroom is right next to the swing. And she gets up and goes under the chair where I leave her breakfast.
The tiered cat house was made because the badgers destroyed all my on the ground stray cat houses.
It was made using a couple of plastic greenhouses. I lined each section with polystyrene and thermal insulation. It is against a wall, barricaded in with screening. And then in front of it I have large dustbins with various things that still grow in my vegetable garden... mostly herbs. And a few larger shrubs in them. In this way the cats can get in very easily, the badgers cannot get in at all. It would house quite a few cats, but how many actually sleep in there I don't know because I leave them be as most of them are not friendly to humans. But I can see at least four or five stray cats regularly going in and out of that area.
I had a new stray cat this morning.
It was too icy for me to go out. Most of my regular stray cats know the rules, they do know to wait their turn so I can feed them properly and individually.
I have forgotten how viciously hungry a stray cat could be...
I was cooking some chicken for my dinner, the stray cat was outside the kitchen door. I went out with a piece of chicken in my fingers, with the intention of giving it some cat food if it wanted more.
I nearly lost my fingers as it regarded the whole lot as food.
I didn't yell at it but moved back very quickly and it knew instantly it had done wrong. I left it a little bit more chicken and a bowl of cat food...
It is still out there, so I assume it could possibly take one of those cat pods in the tiered housing.
I have checked the trail cameras for last night, and there is only Jade on the swing again, no badgers or foxes.
I expect the woods where the foxes and badgers are, could be a bit impassable still...
Same vid on TikTok
I still have a chill from yesterday in my tummy and my hips from waiting in that cold breezy foyer for the diabetic appointment. And so I haven't done much today, done a bit of essential stuff, but otherwise sat in bed with electric blanket round my middle..
I can see the light is going now, so I need to feed the cats, set the trail cameras again,
Then make some fresh tea, and maybe have a spicy biscuit. Run out of ginger biccies.
Creative. Inks and spray water on a postcard.
Be safe in this icy weather.
Take care.
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