Blas ar y gaeaf
Blas ar y gaeaf ~ A taste of winter
“For most of us, there is only the unattended / Moment, the moment in and out of time / The distraction fit, lost in a shaft of sunlight / The wild thyme unseen, or the winter lightning / Or the waterfall, or music heard so deeply / That it is not heard at all, but you are the music / While the music lasts.”
― T.S. Eliot, (The Complete Poems And Plays)
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Wel, rydyn ni adref nawr gydag atgofion o'n hamser yn Ninbych-y-pysgod. Roeddem yn hapus iawn gyda'r pecyn cyfan a byddwn yn ei wneud eto (neu rywbeth tebyg). I fi roedd y symlrwydd. Unwaith dych chi ar y bws moethus, dydych chi ddim yn poeni am brydau, gwelyau, cludiant, ac ati. Defnyddiol iawn pan does dim car gyda ni, mewn byd sy'n ymddangos bod creu o gwmpas y car, i esgeulustod o fathau arall o gludiant. Beth bynnag, roedd ein gwyliau pecyn cyntaf yn dda iawn.
Nawr rydyn ni adre ac mae'n ymddangos fel y gaeaf wedi cyrraedd. Roedd glaw oer heddiw, yn gymysg gydag eira. Roedden ni'n hapus gyda'r tywydd da yn Ninbych-y-pysgod. Basai hi profiad gwahanol gyda glaw oer.
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Well, we are home now with memories of our time in Tenby. We were very happy with the whole package and would do it again (or something similar). For me it was the simplicity. Once you're on the coach, you don't have to worry about meals, beds, transport, etc. Very useful when we don't have a car, in a world that seems to be created around the car, to the neglect of other forms of transport. Anyway, our first package holiday was very good.
Now we are home and it seems like winter has arrived. It was cold rain today, mixed with snow. We were happy with the good weather in Tenby. It would have been a different experience with cold rain.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Petal rhosyn gydag eira
Description (English): Rose petal with snow
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