
By tridral

Un diwrnod braf

Un diwrnod braf ~ One fine day

“Inspiration is not the exclusive privilege of poets or artists.(…) Whatever inspiration is, it’s born from a continuous ‘I don’t know.’”
― Wislawa Szymborska, (‘The poet and the World’, Nobel Lecture, 1996)

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Diwrnod mwy disglair heddiw, gallen ni weld hyd yn oed yr haul ac awyr las

Es i i'r pentref i wneud tipyn bach o siopa a rhoi fy esgidiau i'r siop trwsio i gael eu trwsio. Mae syniad gyda fi bod yn y pen draw bydda i'n mynd i'r pentref am bopeth - llygaid, clustiau, esgidiau, ac ati. Rydw i eisiau ffeindio pob gwasanaeth mewn ugain munud o gerdded. Dydw i ddim un siŵr os mae'n bosibl.

Heddiw oedd diwrnod 'Shibashi'. Es i i'r dosbarth am yr ail dro. Mae'n ymarfer corff tyner ac mae'n symud egni’r corff o gwmpas. Rydw i'n rhan o'r dosbarth nawr - o leiaf pan rydw i wedi llenwi'r ffurflen.

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A brighter day today, we could even see the sun and blue sky

I went to the village to do a little shopping and give my shoes to the repair shop to be repaired. I have an idea that eventually I will go to the village for everything - eyes, ears, shoes, etc. I want to find all services within twenty minutes of walking. I'm not sure if it's possible.

Today was 'Shibashi' day. I went to class for the second time. It is a gentle body exercise and it moves the body's energy around. I'm part of the class now - at least when I've filled out the form.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Mynwent Eglwys Santes Fair, gyda chysgodion hir

Description (English): St. Mary's Churchyard, with long shadows

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