The Pensioner

By Pensioner

Harbour View

Minky day - and there was only me to look after her as the SK is away down south keeping her hand in with a certain well heeled institute. So, it was along to Joy Tots to make a mermaid from a toilet roll and such like things before a session in Leith Library and on to Ocean Terminal to Pizza Express. Dough balls with garlic butter (and cucumber, her new favourite), a pizza, a Piccolo Sundae and a Bambinoccino, all for £7.95. Just a shame about the cost of my meal to accompany it. 
That fairly gobbled up the time - and she was a good little lunchtime companion. This may be repeated I do think.
Up to meet the old crew. The cold weather seems to have brought out a desire for whiskies. Well, at least we were in the right place for it. But blimey, AJ announces that he’s not for continuing to fund the Foundation of Hearts, the body which owns our football club*, as there are so many people with greater needs!?!? AJ goes woke! Stop the presses!!! 

*Yes, the largest fan owned club in the UK dontcha know

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