If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Viburnum tinus Laurustinus

I had a thought about what to blip today but seeing tomorrow's weather forecast I decided to keep it for an "indoorday".

Currently we are getting a number of short lets to guests at the Lodge.  The last couple left on Wednes but we were too busy to go and clean so today was prepping the Lodge.  With the weather forecast for tomorrow being dire we are letting the guests come in tonight.

As always I had a wander round looking for blips.  I had the wrong lens for the Fieldfare in next door's bushes.  Of the shots I took I settled for continuing the Viburnum theme.  This one is an evergreen that flowers starting in winter and carries on for much of the year.  Also it is "mildly fragrant" so another attraction.  The origin of these particular bushes is a few years ago the late Mate had them in his garden where they outgrew the site.  We moved them to the Lodge where one tried its hardest to die but has now decided to live.

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