Billboard Hits

By chicklet

The E Street Shuffle

Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band 1973

My first trilogy, or perhaps I mean trinity...

This is probably my favourite album of all time, my favourite track being the quite delicious New York City Serenade, the instrumentation, the way it builds to the most glorious crescendo and then eases back down to the most poignant "pop" piano I have ever heard blows me away every time. If you're one of yon Johnny99 Come Lately types and wondering what all this Bruceworship is all about, this is the album you NEED. Play it LOUD....and be amazed that this is coming up 40 years old and you never knew....

My second favourite track is Incident on 57th Street...I can, and did, sing every single word but if anyone cares to tell me what the hell it's all actually ABOUT, I'd be delighted to hear.

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