Leanachan Light

Soaked through in heavy thundery showers first thing then after changing in to the wet weather gear drenched in sweat from trudging about in the clammy periods between more rain starting.

At home time the sky was deep blue and the heat from the sun was already evaporating off the puddles. We had a quick pre dinner walk/jog at Leanachan. The logistics of all this is quite difficult to explain. M's 30 minute jog is preceded with a brisk five minute walk. So I dropped M off at point A, drove to where the jog element would start, point B, and took Bruce and Caley for a stretch on a track that would avoid most of the jog route. (caley with his big stick habit is a real tripping hazaed to joggers) Carefully watching the stop watch I could march about 17 minutes out and 17 minutes back and this would coincide with the post jog 2 minute warm down. Shortly after I set off I met a man I always enjoy a good blether with. This messed up my own timings but with a bit of dead reckoning M and I met up at about 2 minutes from the car.

I know I'll explain it all again on Power Point. That will be clearer.

TGIF; "Goodness"; because I'm polite. Have a good weekend.

Bruce is much better today. I should have said that first.

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