There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

And So it Begins

Our first snowflakes fell on Thursday morning around 10:45. They were mixed in with rain, and they were sort of soggy. I took pictures but they weren't very impressive. You could hardly see them. But then the storm built up its momentum overnight on Thursday and spat snowflakes at us all day Friday.

Of course, I had to go outside and walk around in it and take some pictures, so I got my umbrella and my camera and my tunes box and out I went. Here is a scene from our neighborhood in which the snow obscures the view. It seemed like a pale and atmospheric landscape, so here it is, in all of its hazy white glory.

Our soundtrack song is the Bangles, with Hazy Shade of Winter.

P.S. As I was getting ready for my snow-walk, there was a crash in the kitchen. My husband knocked over three Pyrex pans I'd brought home from Mom and Dad's and stacked on a small table in the kitchen, waiting to wash them and put them away. It was an accident, I know, but it upset me, and to be honest, it completely ruined my day. I'd been quite excited to obtain a huge Pyrex pan at Mom's, the biggest one I'd ever seen. Well, it broke and shattered into a million glass shards, which I cleaned up off the kitchen floor on my hands and knees. (The other two pans were fine.) That was followed by a mini-vac, which was followed by tears both on my walk and while washing dishes. I realized later that it wasn't just the PAN, which is only a thing; it was what it represented. My mother will never use it again and she is GONE, and now I will never get to use it either. It just seemed stupid, and wasteful, and now that wonderful pan is gone forever, before I even used it ONE TIME. I'm sorry, Mom.

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