
By Lsquare

OCC Sunday----And A Look At Biblical Marriage....

We gathered at FBC on this beautiful fall day, under mostly cloudy skies that didn't even whisper about rain, to join our hearts and voices in worship and praise of our God Who holds all things in His hands.  We sang a congregational song to begin to prepare our hearts for one of our truly special services.  McGinty handled the welcome.  The choir, orchestra and all our talented accompanists followed that up with a worshipful and joyous rendition of " Holy Forever".  The congregation sang  a few more songs that included one of my favorite hymns and one of my favorite more contemporary songs. Then Pastor Wes took us to Ephesians 5:20-32, where Paul writes to the Ephesian believers about the roles of the husband and wife in a godly marriage and how even those who are not married can profit from the advice when they realize that marriage parallels the relationship of Christ to the church body of believers.  He explained how we have been misled, either intentionally or through ignorance, about what it means that the husband is the head of the relationship----he is not a dictator, and what the  submission of the wife  to the husband's leadership truly looks like----and it is not blind servitude, as some would have us believe!  Pastor Wes laid it all out very clearly and your should watch the Live-stream to get all the details.  It is certainly worth your time.  At the end of the service, we laid hands on and prayed over the Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes contributed by our church members before we send them on their way tomorrow.  We pray for the children who will receive them and for their families that this will bless them and possibly help them begin their own personal relationship with Jesus!  We will find out next week if our church met our goal for the number of boxes......

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