Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

First evening opening done and we did have some customers roaming the store and Greenhouses. I had 15 during 2 hours, which is more than we have during a day sometimes.
We had fun! One of our fav old coworkers came to visit and we didn’t let him go until closing time. So nice to see him again!
None of my friends could come, but there’s another chance on the 4th of December. I’m working this evening too.
Before work, in the morning, I went to get a massage. So nice and lovely!
After work I had to use my flash light to walk through the forest. When I stood at the bus stop I saw two deers wanting to cross the road. They saw me and changed course. I saw them crossing the road further down, where there’s better light and cars could see them better. Good call! They crossed unharmed, thankfully!

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