Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

So, sue me...

Yes, I am blipping another hummingbird. You can't say I didn't warn you...

I took a quick walk in the park this morning where I saw loads of butterflies, bees and a few other fun things. Then back home to straighten up a bit and do some early dinner prep. Then a quick sortie into the garden where this young hummer just begged to be blipped. Hope you don't mind, but I honestly can't resist.

You can tell this is a young male from his "five o'clock shadow" on the throat - next summer this will be a dazzling ruby color, but for now, he has the Don Johnson look going for him (for those of you old enough to remember Miami Vice).

I posted 9 other shots, including my alternate for today (Taking a Bow) on Flickr, starting HERE. What do you think - should I have blipped the bowing hummer?

Kura and Ellen should be here in about an hour at which point the festivities will begin! Perfect deck weather - yay!

Happy Saturday.


And just for fun, see what I posted on this day last year? Yes, I was besotted then, too.

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