
You do whatever you can when it's this hot.

we went shopping. The shopping centre is a wonderful open air place with high pressure water jets high up on the structure that blast a fine mist of cool spray every minute or so to help shoppers stay cool.

Then there's the fountains. Yes, I was tempted!

We actually think there was someone controlling the fountains as we watched as the children all stood next to the nozzles, waited and waited, then they shot up and this was repeated but the length of time that they waited varied from only a second to up to 30 seconds. It was fun watching them all line up and try and anticipate when the water was coming.

Spent some money. Two nice skirts that will be good for here when we go out but will work well for work as well. Sensible length and everything. I must be getting more mature or something like that.

Book 3 of the holiday reading is finished - started this morning, finished just before our evening meal.

A lovely day is going to be finished off in about an hour with an evening swim with barefoot teenage vampire boy. He is not appreciative of his new title, so I will continue to use it!

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