
By Grammy

First Snowfall

Jamie and Parker were on the road before I woke up at 5:30. They arrived home safely but way too soon. We may have a chat about speed limits. Jamie sent me a photo of Parker driving on the snow. He knows how much his Mom worries…. It started snowing last night and we’ve had snow showers off and on all day. It is pretty to watch. My sister decreed that we’d do nothing but rest today. It is her hubby’s birthday. He came in from outside and was disappointed I hadn’t made him a big breakfast for his birthday like I made my boys this week. We have so much leftover food and desserts that we are not cooking anything new today. We were taking him to his favorite restaurant in the area but have no plans to go out on uncleared roads. Poor guy. After a bit of birdwatching, I spent the day finding 2024 photos of every member of the family for our Christmas letter. With weak signals, it was almost impossible to move pics from my phone to the laptop. It is a mystery to me why so many photos do not download when I import them from my phone. I desperately need to delete those that are almost duplicates. Hubby completed his Christmas shopping and read when he wasn’t napping. My sister read and did laundry while her hubby braved the cold. He rarely sits idle. We saw a new bird: a ruby crowned kinglet. Guess I will try to address a few Christmas cards. It took me an hour to find my address book. We bring too many containers from home. It is supposed to be as low as 16°F tomorrow. We will have another inside day. Maybe I can start wrapping gifts. Wishing you a warm, comfy evening. Stay safe. Thanks for stopping by.
“Snow was falling,
so much like stars
filling the dark trees
that one could easily imagine
its reason for being was nothing more
than prettiness.” - Mary Oliver

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