
By BoydMcAdam

Marmite Man

You either loved him or loathed him. Alex Salmond divided opinion like no-one else in recent Scottish politics. Whatever you thought of him he nevertheless had a major impact on Scotland, Scottish society and our own lives.

His funeral memorial service was held today so I hopped on a bus into the city. I’d had a lie in and a leisurely breakfast so I did not arrive until 15 minutes after the funeral service had started. There was a crowd - not massive - of those who had come to express their support. Many saltires in the air - and on clothing. When I was there it was good natured with people recollecting their meetings with or support for Alex.

I did not linger but headed on in to Princes Street for a bit of shopping then the bus back. The city was heaving with shoppers and tourists!

A couple of dog walks in the afternoon in the mild air (13oC) then started to get the decorations out for Christmas. Also took time to thank people for their kind wishes.

Also found time to boil up the quince from the other week before they all turned so I could drain the pulp to make some jelly tomorrow.

A quieter day.

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