Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Just Another day

A beautiful day today for the end of the Ardrishaig Gala. So glad to see them get a warm sunny day as so often this day is ruined by rainstorms. A grand day out with so much to enjoy,well done the organisers for all their hard work and months of planning.

In the Music Tent we had the Barber Shop Singers, a wonderful solo from a 12 year old girl , guitarists and many more to sit back and enjoy. All the usual fundraising stalls for the many good and worthwhile causes so well supported by all of MId Argyll, so many challenging activities for the young folk and a rowing race out into the bay. Add to thhat the chance meetings with so many people we hadn't seen for ages. Great to catch up with everyone.

I did get lots of blips both there and around the canal. but the one I really liked was this blip of the log boat being filled . Just another day for the crane drivers who skillfully loaded pile after pile of logs ready to be transported down Loch Fyne and off to the saw mills. We had one of our young visitors with us and we were all fascinated watching how the logs were lifted and "carefully" dunted on to the ground to create a coompletely cyylindrical pile to be fitted in line with the piles already laid on the deck of the log boat. Hope he gets a ell deserved day off tomorrow.

I included the yacht and the Ardrishaig Lighthouse to give you an idea of the size of the log boat and a sense of location. Large might be worth a look..

Also realised that today isn't quite just another day for me as I have finally
managed to upload no 730. The first year was easy but the seconnd year actually took me 17 months to complete. I do have loads of back blips and will probably get them up in the winter and just might get back on track before rhe end of year 3.

Must say thank you to everyone at Blip Central for making this such a wonderful site and to everyone whose journals I have visited over the two years, all so interesting and have helped me a lot. Here's to more time on blipfoto when everything here settles down.

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