Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Dragon Day

Thank you so much everyone for all your very supportive comments on my 730 blip. I am still overwhelmed by your response and very kind and encouraging words. I promise to get back to each of you but apologise today as I know it will take a bit of time to get back to everyone.

Tonight's blip is a combination of this morning and this afternoon , I couldn't decide so made a collage of two of my favourites. Large might be worth a look.

A day for dragons today. The golden ringed dragon fly came back and settled on the leg of the garden seat, thank you Mr Dragon fly!!!

Later on we went with our visitors to the Crinan canal for the crinan Water festival. great fun again and so much to do. We could have made our very own dragon boats out of bits and pieces but go there a wee bit late for that. Instead we watched one of the semi finals of the dragon boat race which was won by a team from Portavadie.

Then we had a go at bodgering , and we all managed to make some fine pieces that remotely resembled old fashioned table legs, reckon they were too squint to hold a table steady. Our wee visitor had great fun walking on the actual canal waters, okay she was inside ne of those massive clear balls. It provided great entertainment both for her inside the ball and for everyone watching. After that it was climbing up the climbing wall followed by very well desreved ice creams.

Then a very lazy time watching the men building boats which they actually raced across the litte lochan behind the canal. Very brave people indeed"

All in all a great day out and the sun shone on the way home!

\al in all

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