A day in the life

By Shelling


This morning the four of us, involved in preparing the music for a play about the creation of Shakespeares' "A midsummer nights' dream", from 1595. Johan, the actor, has written a play about how Shakespeare  could have worked, while writing his play. Having a lot of knowledge about how plays come to and also directing plays, Johan has created a one man play about the creational  labours which, is very fun to be a part of. I'm arranging and playing the music together with two other friends and musicians. The music will be recorded and later somehow inserted in the play, so that Johan can start the pieces from the stage, while acting. 
We had great fun running through the ideas and deciding our next steps to be able to record the music later next week.

In the afternoon, one of my students wanted help with a few Christmas songs, he's quite busy as a troubadour in the coming weeks and felt he needed to broaden his repertoar.
I was given a bottle of "Glögg", mulled wine, that is popular in Sweden this time of year. After Christmas, nobody drinks the stuff.

In both of these events,  I completely forgot to take pictures. I have a small tray though, with Shakespeares' portrait and a quote from his Sonnet nr.18. That, and the bottle will represent this days major events, when not even half an hour was spent outdoors.

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