Views of my world

By rosamund


Had a really productive day today. Yesterday was spent at work and the evening was spent drinking wine with Marisol. I woke up quite early so went round to help her put the finishing touches to her new house before John got home tonight. The work is all done and they will hopefully move in this week after 10 months of work. The house looks amazing and Marisol has done so much of the work herself, its incredible. Its in a great location and its only 7 minutes away from our house, which is excellent.

Freya was out swimming this afternoon and Noah went to the cinema so I paid some attention to my own house and had a couple of hours combined housework, tidying, ironing and decorating and felt the better for it. Our ladders have been at Marisol's new house since October so there's a list of jobs requiring their attention tomorrow.

Made a nice batch of chicken fajitas for dinner and had a bottle of prosecco which went straight to my head. Freya and I sat on the steps shooting the breeze as the sun went down and I took photos then we watched Scott Pilgrim (again!)

It was hard to choose a shot but I liked the sun setting just over the horizon in this one. No tweaking, boosting, enhancing or punching, this is it, straight out the camera.

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